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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Strategies of Good Learning

Students go to school to learn something. They take guidelines from teachers; learn something from their course books, friends and even from the environment in which they are learning. Students learn from every action they are involved in. Students learn new ideas and build new thoughts from different extra-curricular activities organized in the school. But the learning do not last for long if these things are not applied in their practical life. And all the things students learn cannot be applied in the practical life. So what can be done so that the learning can last for long? This is a major problem that students are facing and sometimes they get frustrated. They devote a lot of time but forget every point what they learn. They read for whole day and night during exam period but do not show expected result in the examination. So here are some of the strategies that students ought to adopt to make learning better and improve their performance:

Attentive in Classroom
The first and the foremost strategy that a student should adopt to make his/her learning better is being attentive in classroom. Student must be 100% attentive while they are undergoing on some learning in class hours. They should understand the objectives and the subject matters whatever being taught in the classroom.  

The students should be interactive and raise questions to teachers immediately when they have any queries or difficulties in understanding the subject matter. Students must not hesitate to ask and learn.

The practical application of the subject matters must be clearly understood and studied. Some subject matters can even be practically applied in their lives. That should be studied and understood clearly.

Doing Assessments
The assessments given to be done at home must be regularly done and submitted. Students must be sincere while doing assessments. They must note down any difficulties found while doing assessments and should deal with respective teachers the next day in school.

Recalling Past Activities
Students must recall the subject matters that were taught during the day in school  before they go to bed. And early in the morning when they woke up, they once again should recall the subjects matters. This will increase the memory power of students.

Reference Books
The reference Books related to the subject matters as prescribed in the curriculum can be helpful to gain and add more knowledge to the existing knowledge.

Evolution and Growth of Insurance

The exact date of origin of insurance is not known. It is believed that philosophy of insurance was practiced with the evolution of man. Man is always exposed to different kinds of risks.  They thought of eliminating or reducing the impact and financial loss associated with these risks. There are some people who believe that insurance existed in 4500 B.C. in the ancient civilization of Babylonia, Greek, Rome and India. But single opinion about its evolution is yet to be reached at.
It is believed that the marine insurance was the first developed form of insurance. During ancient times, international trade used to be done mainly through sea routes. The journey through sea was subject to risk caused by perils of sea and acts of enemy. The risks were attached to both ship and cargo. At that time traders used to enter into an agreement among themselves under which the loss caused to any person was compensated by dividing the loss among themselves. Later, this system was named as ‘General Average’ under which all traders agreed to distribute any loss among them in ratio of their respective interests. Similarly another system called ‘Bottomry Bond’ prevailed at that time. Under this system traders were given the specialized type of loan called Bottomry Bond, on the condition that they will repay it with interest if the ship reach destination safely. If the ship does not reach destination safely and suffer loss they need not refund the loan. Thus, General Average and Bottomry Bonds contained the basic elements of insurance. These systems were popular in Babylonia, Greek, Rome, India, etc.
Insurance in the modern sense originated during 12th century. The Yahoodies were believed to be the main contributors to the development of modern insurance when they were forced to leave France in 1182. They adopted marine insurance as their line of business. The earliest references to insurance which have so far been traced appear in the accounts of North Italian merchant bankers who dominated the international trade of Europe at that time. Marine insurance is the oldest form of the insurance followed by life insurance and fire insurance.
Basic Terms used in Insurance
·         Insured :
It is the party who seeks protection against a particular risk.
·         Insurer:
It is the party who undertakes to protect the insured.
·         Premium :
It is the amount paid by the insured as the consideration of the insurance contact.
·         Insured Amount :
It is the amount for which he risk is insured.
·         Insurance Policy:

It is a written contract between the insurer and the insured containing the details of the terms and conditions agreed upon.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Insurance - An Introduction

Human beings in their life span have to go through different ups and downs. Some of the uncertain events can be listed as untimely death, loss of valuable property by fire, loss due to accidents, etc. These events are likely to happen but are impossible to eliminate. Such events create a great loss and difficulties in one’s life. So to have compensation from such events, a mechanism of ‘Insurance’ has been introduced. Insurance is a financial mechanism to reduce or eliminate the financial loss due to uncertain risks.

The concept of insurance can be best illustrated with an example. Suppose a village has 10,000 houses of worth Rs. 100,000 each. On an analysis carried out, it is found that four houses of the village are destroyed by fire every year. Thus, it is clear that four houses will catch four houses next year. But it cannot be sure as to which house will catch fire and destroyed to what extent.  But everyone is likely to suffer from a loss of Rs. 100,000 which tends to be a big loss if that is to be borne by a single individual. A method of providing relief against this risk can be establishing a common fund to which each contributes Rs. 40 every year. The four unfortunate householders can be compensated to their losses by the fund contributed by each of the householders. The concept of insurance has originated with the same motive. Insurance make people put collective effort to share losses of risks. Insurance thus can be said as the mechanism of distributing the loss of few people into many people.

In the words of Dr. W.A. Dinsale : “Insurance is a device for transfer of risks of individual entities to an entities to an insurer to a specified extent of losses suffered by the insured.”
Insurance at present times has become a business in which the party doing the business promises to indemnify the losses in return for a consideration against a risk to people who propose to insure themselves. Thus, now-a-days insurance is defined as “A contract by which the insurer undertakes to compensate the insured by paying a fixed sum of money or up to a fixed amount of money on the happening of a predecided but accidental loss in exchange of a premium paid periodically or in lump sum”.

It should be kept in mind that insurance cannot stop an event to happen. But the loss occurred if such incident happens can be somewhat reduced by the insurance. Thus, it is a social device which only reduces the risk and does not completely eliminate it from the society.

Sleep Well to Reduce Stress

Health is the state of being free from any kind of disease or injury. We often hear people saying "Sound Mind in a Sound Body" and sometimes people quote 'Health is Wealth'. A person ought to be healthy to carry out all his daily activities. An unhealthy person has lots of huddles in his life. There are different criteria to measure how healthy a person is. One of them is the way of having a good-night sleep. Getting a good-night sleep is sometimes easier said than done. People face so much pressure just getting to and from work that winding down at the end of the day can be a significant challenge. Reaching for a bottle of whiskey does not help either because alcohol has long been known to be be the thief of sleep.
Sleep deprivation can often be caused by medical conditions. For example, dipolar disorder is very disruptive on sleep because it causes periods of high activity and laws of depression and that combination is not good for restorative asleep.

People who suffer from constant pain or fibromyalgia also find it very difficult to go to sleep and using sleeping medication over the long term can disrupt normal sleep patterns significantly.

There is an easy solution to this problem. The best step is to get sleep to a level where you can reduce your stress is to readily consult with a medical practitioner that you trust and work systematically through a series of options until you find one that is truly satisfactory.

Fortunately there is a lot of medical researches that have been undertaken to assist in getting people to sleep well and this is worthy of discovery and reading. Take heart from the fact that if you are able to improve your sleep patterns then that could significantly reduce your stress levels.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


‘Tourism’ means the practice of travelling from one place to another within or without nation. The person who makes a tour is said to be a ‘tourist’. Tourism has a great significance to both an individual and a nation as a whole. As there is a saying that ‘Travel broadens the mind’, tourism can help us to acquire knowledge and information about different people and places. It also provides a sort of brief, relief and respite to our body and mind as well. It also helps the nation to earn a great deal of foreign currency so as to pay for the development of nation. It also earns the nation a wide recognition throughout the globe. Particularly for the nation like ours, tourism can have endless possibilities if developed as an industry.

We speak of different types of tourism. According to the people who make a tour, tourism can be categorized into two basic types-internal tourism and external tourism. According to the activities we perform in course of our tourism, we can have again two types of tourism-adventure tourism and cultural tourism. Adventure tourism includes mountain climbing, rock climbing, rafting, trekking and hiking and many others. Cultural tourism means the kind of tourism in which the tourist tries to acquire knowledge and information about others’ culture and religious or social practices. By developing tourism, we mean to provide the best possible facilities and opportunities to the tourists. It also means to impress them with our typical hospitality so that they will be tempted to visit our nation time and again. The development of tourism is also associated with the environment and peacefulness of the place. So, we have to be more serious about maintaining our environment neat, clean and peaceful. Tourism can also provide employment to the local people and it can provide a better understanding among the people throughout the world. So, to put it briefly, tourism can prove to be a fowl that lays golden eggs.

Role of Teachers in Education

Civilization, a state of human society that is developed and culturally organized, begins with different religions and stoicism in different landscape of the world. A civilized society can be referred to as one that is characterized by - truth, beauty, adventure, art and peace. The present day world of science and technology is laid through adventure of education and the process of innovative learning.

Education, often described as the third eye of human, is simply a process of learning to learn how to navigate in a forest of facts, ideas, theories, knowledge innovations and research as well, to ignore the harmful emotional limitations for the development of self-confidence. Education enlightens one’s mind and leads to a new horizon of thoughts, ideas and feelings. It is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing temper or self-confidence. The conscious heart delighted by the education is the source of genuine wisdom, intellectual talent and idle knowledge. Education ensures a better solution for the problems to be faced during course of life. For this, a wise and an understanding heart, a passionate professionally intellectual personnel is required which is given the name as “teacher”.

Teachers are the people who are engaged in imparting knowledge to pupil. They are dedicated, enthusiastic and intellectually, and emotionally energetic people who are always devoted in providing quality education. Teachers have the potential for enhancing the quality of education by bringing life to curriculum and inspiring students to curiosity and self-directed learning. They are constantly searching for more effective ways to reach their children, to master the content and to encourage the students working cooperatively. Good teachers invest large amount of their valuable time and moment in pursuing their work with students, listening to what students say, being closer rather than being distant, encouraging students to learn in many different ways. Teachers also relate learning to experience, encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning being knowledgeable about their subject, creating learning environment in the classroom and stimulate in them an excitement to learning. The work is complex as well as emotionally and intellectually challenging. It requires teaching skills using different tools and techniques, knowledge on the related subject and classroom management. They should provide initiative guidelines to children and motivate towards a good behavior and action. They should have a pleasing personality and should reward children on their achievements. Teachers should also show some characteristics of a counselor. The need of counselling to students and inspiring students to do better and praise-worthy work is to be accelerated by Teachers.

To put in short, teachers are respectful persons of the society and they educate the society, nation and world. Thanks to all the teachers.

Female Education

Education is said to be an index of civilization. Education is a kind of tool or equipment with which we can perform many tasks of our life. It is also a kind of light which can lead us through the path of darkness; into the world of knowledge and information. Education prepares us to confront the challenges and complexities of our life more boldly and confidently. When we talk about any society, we are talking about two sections of people-male and female. Any human society can better function only when there is a good co-operation and understanding between these two sexes. When we look at the situation of female education, we can find women to have been mostly neglected and ignored particularly in the traditional oriental countries.  Women are thought to be less important in the course of development and they are usually supposed to be confined within the barriers of their houses. In such societies, women are said to be the people who have to go to others’ houses and they do not need much education for their primary task is to bear and rear children. They are thought to be weaker both physically and mentally. Discriminations are largely made between sons and daughters. So, we find a very dark picture of female education in the underdeveloped countries.
            Female education is also affected by the feeling of male chauvinism and because there is an age-long domination made by males over the females, female education or its importance has not been yet fully realised. If we look back the ancient Hindu Civilization, women were much respected and we can find many examples of women acquiring a high degree of knowledge and education. However, with the changing structure of the society which became more patriarchal, women began to lose their power in different fields of life. This had an adverse effect also in the female education. Education was not thought to be necessary for women or even if it was necessary, they were not given any opportunity for acquiring knowledge and education.
            In the present time, however, people are gradually becoming more serious about female education and they have come to realize that any society can achieve development only with the collective effort of both men and women. Different feminist movements are being launched and voices are being raised for the empowerment of women. They are being given equal opportunities in various fields of life. In this was the picture of female education is changing and gradually improving. To be practical, both men and women are something like the two sides of a coin and society can properly function only with the correct balance and understanding between these two sexes. We can find many examples in the history of human race where women have proved their excellence in the fields they were involved. A good many number of women-living or dead-have established their name and in some cases they have proved themselves to be even better than their male counter parts. Mother Teresa, Margaret Thatcher, Madam Curie, Florence Nightingale, Helen Keller, Saint Joan, and many others-were all women who are still remembered and celebrated for the contribution they made to the whole of humanity.
            Women are in fact the source of both creation and power who possess endless courage and fathomless love and they also have an exceptional degree of patience and tolerance. They are our mothers, sisters and wives who always guide and inspire their male fellow beings. So, we should not make any discrimination between males and females under any name and pretext. We should create such grounds where male and female can stand erect with equal dignity and faith.

Discipline in Education

Discipline is usually defined as the set of rules and regulations to be followed. It has a great value and significance in one’s life. Discipline is something without which one cannot successfully mould his life and career. It is also a mark of human civilization. If we turn the pages of human history, we can see that all the people were able to achieve greatness and success only by observing a strict sense of discipline. Discipline is said to be of paramount significance in every area of our life. Discipline is a kind of torch or spot light which directs us to penetrate the dark and difficult course of life. We can reach our destination only by realising the value of our life. We can reach our destination only by realising the value of discipline and acting accordingly.

 While discipline is significant in every walk of our life, it is even more important in the life of a student. Student life is said to be the most important stage of human life. It is in this stage of life we acquire different skills, tools and equipments so that we can confront any challenges of the complex modern human existence. Student life is very rigorous phase of our life which has to be properly utilized so as to make it really meaningful and fruitful. A student can acquire better skills and knowledge only by following discipline. Discipline enables a student to concentrate himself on his studies and also to cultivate faith and respect to his process of learning. Though learning is said to be a life-long process, student life is primarily meant for acquiring the best possible skills and knowledge. A disciplined student can embrace the highest degree of success and he can lead his nation and the world itself with a novel reason, vision and fore-sight.
            Discipline can mean different things to different people. There are given and specific rules and regulations in various fields of our life. A student is said to be disciplined if he believes in the fact that his only aim of life is to learn more and more and enhance his store of knowledge in the best possible manner. The first and foremost requirement for a disciplined student, therefore, is to cultivate his interest and desire for learning. Only acquiring theoretical or bookish knowledge is not self-sufficient. A good disciplined student has to be equally aware about his life and universe and about his place and role as a human being. He should be able to analyse the things happening around him and he should be very broad minded and open hearted about his vision and outlook. He should also learn to respect his parents, teachers and seniors and at the same time he should love and care his juniors. He should be regular and punctual in his school or class. He should love his books and he should deal with any matter without any ill prejudice. His motto of life is to acquire as much learning as possible so as to grab a tremendous success in his immediate and distant future.

            A man without discipline is more like a wild beast or he is like a boat without an anchor. Discipline is perhaps the most important factor to reach the milestones in the journey of our life. No man in the human history has become great and successful without following discipline. Discipline is a kind of an acid test which is difficult to pass, but once we observe it or pass it, it gives us a very rich reward and pleasure. Discipline is equally important for a sportsman, a warrior, a farmer and also a statesman. Much can be written about the value of discipline, but we have to very serious about this matter. Discipline is indubitably a decisive factor for achieving success.

Friday, November 21, 2014


This blog deals with the information related to education. Education is the source of knowledge. One gets knowledge from every step of his life. One can get formal or informal education.

It also deals with health. Health refers to the state of being free from illness. One must be healthy to carry out daily activities of life. So one must be healthy. So this blog will be related with information regarding health.

This blog also deals with information regarding insurance. It helps one to get solutions and relief from any loss and disaster that may occur.

Hope this site will be a helpful material towards providing information on education, health and insurance.
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