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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Safe Motherhood

Safe motherhood is a process of protecting the mother from having complicated pregnancy and the problem of childbirth. A mother dies of pregnancy complications in a minute throughout the world. About half a million women die each year of pregnancy related cases in the world. This condition is found worse in many parts of the developing countries. Therefore, it is aimed to reduce the maternal mortality by one forth by 2015. To achieve this goal, the health of mothers is to be made safe. If we take care of our mothers in every respect of the complications, we can easily fulfil the above mentioned aims. Therefore, safe motherhood has become a part of reproductive health and rights.
The safe motherhood programmes should be conducted in an integrated approach with primary health care service, which are to be provided to all the population especially to the most vulnerable and under-served groups. While providing service to safe motherhood, the following should be emphasized.

  •      Adolescent females and males must be provided with information, education and counselling to help them delay early marriage and unions, premature sexual activity and the first pregnancy.
  •      A special programme should be implemented to address the nutritional needs of women of child-bearing age especially those who are pregnant or breast feeding.
  •      Prenatal care and counselling with special emphasis on high risk pregnancies and prevention of STDs and AIDs should be given.
  •      All the birth should be assisted by trained persons, preferably nurses and midwives but at least by trained birth attendants.
  •    Mothers and other related family members should be provided with adequate knowledge regarding family planning to make a happy family.
So it is very necessary for the society and the family to give great care and attention so that the complications during pregnancy and after birth of the baby are reduced and the health of the mother and the child is in good condition.

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